Held on Tuesday, 17th August, 2010
The Station House Hotel, Clifden at 1:00 PM.
AGENDA for ICCPS Annual Meeting – beginning at 1PM
Attendees/Delegates: Tuula Pyoria(FIN) (Chair), Padraic Heanue(IRE), Sarah Hodgkins(BCPS) and Henrietta Knight, Andy O’Donoghue(IRE), Dermot Power(IRE), Paddy McDonagh(IRE), John Varley(IRE), Joop deJong(NE), Anne Storme(BE), Niamh Philbin(IRE), Olivier Verove(FR), Vermund Lyngstad(NO), Karen Holloway(AU), Marynell Eyles(USA), Madeleine Beckman(SWE), Jytte Bank-Mikkelson(DE), Gabi Kappeler(SWI) and Susan McConnell(USA) (Secretariat)
Tuula Pyoria, the Chairperson for the ICCPS opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the annual ICCPS AGM and Technical Meeting. As there were several new Delegates, everyone briefly presented himself/herself.
1. Apologies for absence
Absent without representation: Austria, Canada, Germany and New Zealand
2. Minutes from the last ICCPS Technical Meeting on 18th August 2009
Sarah Hodgkins name was inadvertently omitted from the 2009 Minutes.
Minutes adopted by Motion from Marynell Eyles and seconded by Gabi Kappeler
3. Presentation of President’s Annual Report
Tuula Pyoria read the President’s written report to the Delegates and promised to send it via email to all the Societies and post it on the ICCPS website.
4. Presentation of Treasurer’s Report Annual Accounts for 2009
Padraic Heanue reported on the ICCPS bank account. Unpaid membership fees were collected from Australia, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and USA during the meeting. Austria remains unpaid. Treasurer’s Report was adopted by a Motion from Paddy McDonagh and seconded by Madeline Beckman with a balance of Euros 6731.94
5. Collection of each ICCPS Society Annual Report (Secretary)
Susan McConnell, ICCPS Secretariat thanked all the countries who responded to the emailed request for Annual Reports. These were previously circulated. Information will be compiled in a spreadsheet and circulated. The Society Annual Report form may be reviewed and changed for 2011.
6. Declaration of Elections for Office Bearers (Finland and Sweden may step down and may be eligible for re-election)
Finland and Sweden announced that they were available for nomination.
Paddy McDonagh nominated Finland and Sweden. They were seconded by John Varley and elected to the Executive Board. Tuula Pyoria was elected Chair for the next 12 months along with the following Officers.
2010-2011 ICCPS Officers
Chair: Tuula Pyoria
Vice Chair: Andy O’Donoghue
Honorary Treasurer: Anne Storme
Treasurer: Padraic Heanue
Honorary Secretary: Vermund Lyngstad
Secretariart: Susan McConnell
At Large: Sarah Hodgkins
Madeleine Beckman
Topics for discussion as suggested by Societies:
1. South African Connemara Pony Society – request for acceptance in ICCPS
Dermot Power has been in touch with the SACPS since 2009 and, this weekend, talked with Brenda Van Schie and Sally Young. He proposes that SACPS be accepted.
Motion: Dermot Power and second by Paddy McDonagh to accept the SACPS
This is good news for the South African Connemara Pony Society which has competitions and shows.
2. Australasian Connemara Pony Society – request membership to ICCPS
After lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the CPBS is the ultimate authority. Australia asked for a letter to be written from the CPBS (Ire) to inform the CPBSA (Aus) of the ACPR application to the ICCPS. This letter to the CPBSA (Aus) will acknowledge the lack of support for the application from the ACPR.
Motion: John Varley proposed and Gabi Kappeler seconded the recommendation that this request be referred to the CPBS.
3. “To Develop and Promote” and Public Relations Report 2009-2010 ~ John Tennant, ICCPS Publicity Officer
Karen Holloway read John’s reports to the meeting. John hopes to add articles to the ICCPS web site as well international magazines. This will be possible if:
Each Society will give approval for reprinting articles from their internal newsletters and magazines
Each Society will take time to research the Connemara Pony in shows, local and national events; and, pass them on.
There is a big horse fair planned in Shanghai, China, September 24-25, 2010. John Varley, Niamh Philbin and Anne Storme knew about this upcoming event and should research it further.
4. ICCPS Rules for Registration
Tuula Pyoria introduced this topic by saying that this group has discussed the Rules for Registration for ages. She has high hopes for positive progress with discussion on the main concerns that remain.
Dermot Power acknowledged that a lot of work had gone into the Rules. The old document was comprehensive and we should work towards answering questions from the countries. He wants to know if each country is under a Horse Board and do they have Performance Testing.
Finland: Tuula Pyoria said there is a ridden test for mares and stallions at the inspection at the moment. It is not as thorough performance test as in Sweden or Denmark. In Finland authorized person (not a vet) takes blood samples; does ID control, and inserts microchips. Also, an authorized person measures ponies at the inspection (not a vet). The inspectors have the possibility of sending a mare to the vet for inspection if they think something needs further checking. Stallions are vetted at the inspection. This is a national system with all breeds and also financially practical. Finland is not sure how the stallions who do not pass the visual inspection benefit the breed when allowed to Class 2 and their progeny is eligible to Class 1 according the rule draft. It is felt the rules should be there for the betterment of the breed.
Sweden: Madeleine Beckman said Sweden is aware of the “Panama Flag” effect of stallions who can travel around from country to country for inspection. Currently, the Swedish Society has to go through the Horse Board to get Inspection Rules changed to become compatible with the “Principles” (which are assessed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture and according to the CPBS Principles). Madeleine reported that the Swedish Society would like 1.) “other authorized person” to do the chip marking, ID control and DNA sampling and 2.) to make it optional for Mare Inspections to include a vet examination only when requested by the Inspectors (according to the National Swedish Inspection system for all breeds).
Dermot Power pointed out that countries within the EU have to follow the Mother Society’s system; therefore a performance test could/should not be compulsory for an EU Class 1 CP Stallion.
He also suggested that a Class 1 Stallion from Ireland going to Sweden should be accepted as Class 1 and then given a *star* for merit for passing the Performance Test. Madeleine answered that this was already working due to the Swedish Principles. She hoped the ICCPS Rules will be set as soon as possible to make the work with the Rules easier for the Daughter Societies. She asked Dermot if the CPBS is working on a Stallion Performance Test. He said: “no”.
Norway: Vermund Lyngstad said all stallions have chips and DNA analyzed. For Mares: a vet form is sent to the owner to be completed by their vet before inspection. Stallions have a vet inspection and Performance Test to be licensed in the Studbook under Class 1 – A, B, C (Premium or Star). Norway is not a member of the EU, but very close to it.
Switzerland: Gabi Kappeler said Switzerland is non-EU and her society is under the umbrella of Pony Societies approved by the Government with rules that apply to all pony breeds. There are very few Connemara Ponies in Switzerland. They do inspect all stallions that come from outside Switzerland. There is a “handling” test. All stallions are tested on the same date at the same site with a vet on site. Mares are tested at different times at different sites with no vets on site. The owner of the mares hands in a certificate signed by a vet. Gabi questioned the numbering in the 2nd Draft of the rules. Switzerland uses official UELN numbering for all the breeds with no stallion/mare abbreviations. The classification is stated on Passports. The way of numbering can’t be a matter of rules just the information contained in passport as such. Tuula Pyoria said that the classification should be somewhere on the passport, not necessarily in the numbering. Niamh Philbin said that it was difficult to know the Class of a pony. For example, she said that you have to write the French Stud Book but the information is “confidential”.
Denmark: Jyette Bank-Mikkelson said all foals in Denmark are registered by the Danish Office for Agriculture with a UELN number. An approved stallion/mare from an EU/ICCPS approved country enters the Danish studbook international register B – CI.
2 and 3 years old stallions can only get a one year covering license if they pass the visual inspection and veterinary test. 4 years or older stallions are supposed to pass the visually inspection, the veterinary test and the compulsory performance test before they will get their final life time licence. The owner can choose either a 1 day test or a 30 days test. If a stallion fails the visual inspection and/or the performance test, he is not allowed to breed. Rejected stallions will enter the CA register = rejected register in the studbook. Their progeny are placed in the X-register and can neither be inspected nor approved. Progeny after stallions with one year covering license are equal to progeny after approved stallions that year.
Niamh Philbin said that Denmark is stricter on the ponies born inside Denmark. Jyette Bank-Mikkelson said there is discussion about following the rules strictly or not. Dermot Power wants to meet with the licensing authority in Denmark.
Vermund Lyngstad said that he would like a clear answer to the question of Registration vs Studbook for breeding material, It appears that some are divided on this in Denmark.
Netherlands: Joop de Jong said the Netherlands is similar to Finland and Denmark. There are DNA records for stallions and all foals have microchips since 1992. Progeny are chosen at random for testing. Stallions are tested under saddle. They are “happy or not” to be classified when going into Class1. Netherlands is willing to follow regulations that are democratically made at a table between the ICCPS and CPBS.
Belgium: Anne Storme said the Belgium Warmblood Society keeps the Connemara studbook in her country. There are different classes, voluntary performance testing and loose jumping. All mares and stallions have DNA on file and foals are tested at random. Belgium supports rules that improve the breed. All breed stock is inspected.
France: Olivier Verove said that in France the classifications are organized and judged by judges from the Association de Poney Connemara (AFPC). The rules for classification are identical to the Irish rules with the exception that it is not obligatory for both or either of the parents to have been classified for their progeny to be presented for classification. The Connemara population in France is too small to make this restriction; however, all mares that had already been bred prior to 2006 were systematically put into Class 1. Since 2007, all the ponies classified have had their Passports stamped. The AFPC has recently asked the information service of the National Stud (HN) to allow this information to go public. In following the Irish judging system for mares, France finds the system too “lax” allowing 97% of the mares to go into Class 1. This situation is not viable in the long term and is not a positive measure for improving the Connemara breed. The AFPC has a group working on a breeding program that will allow each pony to have a “label” indicating its specific, such as: bone, movement, grading type, jumping abilities, character. Once drafted, a copy will be sent to the ICCPS. France would like to see the minimum age for classification for fillies and colts to be raised to 3 years old.
Gabi Kappeler wondered if it would be possible to get the Stud Book information through the President’s office? Gabi is welcome to have Stud Book information directly from the AFPC President’s office.
Australia: Karen Holloway reported that there is no governing Horse Board; there is a 3 tier classification system; no Performance Test; compulsory vet; chip or freeze brand (choice); raised (increased) the pass mark for Mares to 70% passing for Mares and 75% passing for Stallions; overseas stallions go straight in with their Inspection class. Australians would like to highlight the correctness of the term “dun” when actually “buckskin” is the correct term. There was consensus within the ICCPS to use the term “buckskin. Karen would like the CPBS to be informed of this issue and give direction to all. John Varley said that he would like to see it put “correctly”.
ACPS (American): Marynell Eyles reported that every foal has DNA information on file; inspection is voluntary for mares, stallions and geldings; non-EU; cannot use 15 digit number; do not require microchip or brand; vet forms for mares and stallions are completed prior to inspection. She noted that the ACPS rules allow for only 1 (one) embryo transfer per year instead of the new rules of 3 (three) per year.
Gabi Kappeler noted Inspection rule 2.4 (foals at foot).
Great Britain: Sarah Hodgkins reported that her Society keeps its own studbook; no horse board; no performance test; mare owners are required to have a vet complete a form prior to inspection or the mare is not registered until done; objects to vet for official markings – only vet used for DNA/blood (page 4 art 2.64)
Andy O’Donoghue said there were things that have to change (1.5 EU) by EU legislation, the CPBS will have to with the Competent Authority, Horse Board, Breed Society or Studbook (FR). In Ireland, the CPBS has a 5 year license and EU countries are therefore obliged to follow our Principles. It appears that some things are not working well – some like it, some not (more not like it). He made a Proposal: in conjunction with Ireland’s own Competent Authority; talk to the EU Commission and each countries Competent Authority so that all will be working together and approved under the EU authority. He said that this would be a “guinea pig”, but there would be no more questions. He wants to move “as a group so there are no more questions and differences” He saw no point in making things more complicated.
Tuula Pyoria stated that the Societies have gone through their problems with the Draft Rules. She suggests we give these suggestions to the CPBS Council and its International Committee for review to come back to the ICCPS, soon.
Dermot Power agreed to take the suggestions to the CPBS Council and produce a 3rd Draft by the 1st of November, 2010
5. Database Update from CPBS
Alex O’Connor reported that he has received pedigree information but has had language problems and the pedigrees on the web are neither complete nor linked. He promised the pedigrees should be linked in 5-6 weeks; each Society will be able to upload their own updates; there will be a “feedback form” on the website for questions, suggestions or problems. Currently, the pedigrees from some countries show only one generation although more information has been provided by Societies and as such the Database is of no use to the breeders.
As it has been taking a very long time to put up the Database, Tuula urged Alex to contact the Societies that need to provide further information so the web site can be completed by the end of the year.
6. Other Matters Arising
Prefix ~ Marynell Eyles (USA) requested guidance from the CPBS on the use of ‘words’ as prefixes and in the name of a pony. Andy O’Donoghue shared a prepared paper about the use of Prefixes and Suffixes and ‘words’ in pony’s names. Dermot promises to take this information to the CPBS Council for review and have a decision by the end of November, 2010.
Timmy Kreuzer from Connemara Pony Vereinigung e.V. of Germany had written to Tuula about ICCPS help and mabe also some financial support at Equitana (9 days, every other year event). The Delegates felt positive about this support. Dermot Power asked for Timmy Kreuzer’s email address so the CPBS can help, too. No amount was requested and there needs to be further communication.
Webmaster replacement ~ Tuula Pyoria had received, last week, an email from the current webmaster stating she is willing to give up if someone else capable and willing can be found to be the ICCPS webmaster for 200 euros per year. A new webmaster will be nominated when found.
Treasurer’s Report ~ Joop de Jong (NE) suggested that the Treasurer’s Report should in the future include a budget.
Judging Connemara Ponies ~ Paddy McDonagh and Dermot Power asked that Societies go thru the CPBS Council and office when they need Irish judges for shows in their countries. Dermot would like all Societies to supply a list of their best judges.
Susan McConnell gave a brief overview of the upcoming World Equestrian Games in Lexington, KY 25th September thru 10th October, 2010. The American Connemara Pony Society will have 14 ponies over the 2 weeks featured in ridden and driven demonstrations. There will be approximately 50 volunteers helping in the ACPS booth in the “Irish Village” with Irish Draughts and Gypsy Colored Horses.
Olivier Verove announced that the French National Connemara Pony Show was moving from Poitiers to Pompadour, this year.
7. Adjournment 5:30PM
Next AGM for the ICCPS will be Tuesday, 16th August, 2011 in Clifden, Co. Galway, Ireland
27 October 2010
President’s Report
International Committee of Connemara Pony Societies
Today the ICCPS AGM and Technical Meeting are scheduled only to these few afternoon hours. Some of you may wonder why. Over the years there have been complaints; the meetings last too long, always same items on the agenda, not much progress to be seen etc. When there was plenty of time available people did not concentrate on the essential but rather went on with explanations over the same things we had already heard previous year. As time is valuable to all of us, I hope this years limited hours force us to concentrate more to those items that really should be finalized soon.
One of these items is the International Rules. Last year we were unable to make any decisions over the rules as we had very few comments from the societies and the Parent Society did not present a draft to work from. As agreed in last year’s meeting, we got the draft from the CPBS. This first draft from Parent Society came out to sister societies just before last Christmas. Several of the societies send their comments and suggestions in the beginning of 2010 and these were forwarded to the Parent Society as well as circulated to all societies. Draft number 2, where some of these suggestions were taken into account came from the CBPS two months ago. Now, we should be able to go through the draft, see and hopefully also agree what needs to be changed and get results, so that we do not have to go home with empty hands. We also have to remember Connemara ponies are bred not only in Europe. Breeders in countries outside EU must be able to live with the rules, too. And last but by no means least, the rules should be there also for the betterment of the breed – as someone said years ago in the Brussels meeting “we are breeders, not multipliers”.
Some of you might remember General Communication was on the Agenda last year. It was agreed good dialogue between CPBS Council and ICCPS executive board is necessary and there was – and still is – plenty of room for improvement. It was also felt a better dialogue between sister societies is important. Although in some ways the communication might have improved, I doubt there really has been enough progress. As far as I understand the international matters are not discussed in the CPBS council and the ICCPS ex board certainly does not receive any information from the CPBS council or from it’s International Committee. There are also societies we never hear from during the year. It seems very quiet in many ways for 11 months after the AGM and then suddenly just before the next meeting everyone wakes up. I do admit I’m guilty to this, too. But just before the meeting it is often too late, as no decisions can be made if the societies have not had a fair chance to discuss things and proposals in their own councils. If only we could agree to answer to the inquiries promptly it would help a lot. Could we possibly agree some kind of code of practice in all communication? Societies as well as executive board and CPBS President and his International Committee are certainly welcome to share their thoughts and ideas anytime, not just before the meeting.
In his report John Tennant suggests the societies appoint persons who would forward the news and information to the ICCPS. Please, take his suggestion seriously! There has been lot more visitors on the ICCPS website when we got the new section “Pony Information” and all the links there. News are always interesting. We are grateful to our PR Officer John Tennant as his efforts enable us to add the news on the website.
There is a link “Registered Prefixes” and a promise – coming soon. I’m afraid has taken lot more time than I thought to compile this list and I’m still working on it. Unfortunately, we never got the program that could have been used in this so each and every prefix or suffix with its holder and country must be added separately to the alphabetical list. So far the list has 29 pages. Almost every country are listed now but two big breeders, Ireland and France, are still missing from the list as I haven’t received the information from them, yet. The plan is to get the list out of my hands and on the website as soon as I get the information from those countries.
According the ICCPS Constitution promoting the Connemara breed is high on the agenda.
The World Equestrian Games takes place in Lexington Kentucky from September 25th to October 10th, 2010. Connemara ponies will be seen there – not competing, but the American Connemara Pony Society will have a booth in the Equine Village. Two weeks of breed demonstrations with Connemara pony ambassadors and dozens of volunteers will certainly be noticed among the visitors. The efforts and hard work of the ACPS are much appreciated and on behalf of the ICCPS and Connemara community I’d like to say thank you to everyone involved. We are waiting for report!
Performance classes are now welcome addition to the Clifden Show week. Last years puissance was a huge success despite of the demanding circumstances and Friday is now firmly fixed as an annual performance event. CPBS is to congratulated for taking this step, as by performing the ponies promote themselves best.
I’d like to use this opportunity and thank all who have actively taken part to the ICCPS discussions during the past year. Special thanks go to our hard working Secretary Susan McConnell. While the rest of us will go home and relax a bit after what hopefully will be a fruitful meeting her work will continue with the minutes. In order to make her job easier I hope we’ll have a good meeting today.
Tuula Pyöriä
ICCPS, Chair